Saturday, January 1, 2011

Oatman's funnies

1. Oatman claimed that Uvora is able to detect if your computer has viruses.

2. Oatman claims that he has a law firm working for him to ensure that his game is "legal." Yes, the same Oatman who believed that remaking VMK was legal.

3. Oatman claims that his game's "system" has superior fraud detection that it can catch any "fraudulent activations." It's so smart that it's almost like an actual human is behind it.

4. Oatman loves to talk about how secure his game is.. He mentions it whenever he gets a chance to.. In a thread about staff positions, he found a way to sneak "2048bit encryption with a salted SHA512 encryption" into his post.

5. Oatman wants to sue the person who found out about You know, the person who found proof that there's probably no game!

6. Oatman claims that Uvora will break new grounds..
Times have changed, people's Internet is getting faster. Computers are becoming more powerful. The days of old single core CPU's and Integrated GPU's are almost over. Just about everyone these days are running hyperthreaded, multicored repossessors and GPUs. So why in the world would a game still live in the 20th century? Games need to progress not digress in the genre of speed and performance... [Uvora] does exactly what other games in the past have not, we take advantage of all the power your computer has to offer to give you the most astonishing, high detailed game.
 How? By borrowing ideas from Virtual Magic Kingdom? It sounds like Oatman is making an operating system..

7. Oatman claims that he got over 300 unique visitors within 10 minutes..

Uvora has been in the works since January 1st 2010 behind the scenes. The game was not announced to anyone until April 1st of 2010. When this date hit we launched what we call our "wEngine" which aired and to our amazement we filled a room up with over 300 unique visitors within 10 Minutes!
According to "inside sources," Uvora only had around thirty people take part in their initial "walk test." I wonder how the extra zero got added in..


  1. I remember him saying number 1, I laughed when I saw it on the forums. And Uvora is not breaking new grounds, it's adobe flash, adobe flash isn't our future. Adobe has version 10.2 of flash in beta and I'm using it and I love the improved performance but Oatman is making a fool out of himself.

  2. He also calls it a vEngine because he thinks that he has the best security in the world. If you have the best security in the whole world, then how come I can do things. 1280-bit don't mean crap -_- oatman you fail, vmkmagic fails. failures I'm also the one who stopped GPDOT from making vmkrevisited completely hahahahaha
